Aste: Wrike creates transparency and optimizes teamwork

Wrike is a modern digital work control panel. It gathers the information needed to manage projects and tasks for the responsible team members in one view. Wrike has enabled easy management and daily monitoring of marketing: planning, tasks, communication and materials can be found behind the same system. Within Wrike, it is easy to prioritize the most important tasks and it is possible to automate repetitive functions.

Wrike’s goal is to facilitate work management and thus enable the best possible working experience. When all the resources are used for actual work instead of repetitive tasks, the results are achieved faster. Wrike has increased the clarity and efficiency of work for Aste’s staff led by Aki Nykänen.

Wrike facilitates collaboration and taking control of the bigger picture

Aste has initially adopted Wrike in cooperation with a client, a large Finnish publishing company. Today, the system is used at Aste, both with customers and within teams. There are several use cases and models.

For Nykänen, Wrike is an easy-to-use and useful work management tool. Special praise goes to the shared view, where everyone participating in tasks and projects gets all the information needed to do the work. The status information and commenting functions for tasks and tickets make collaboration simpler.

– The biggest benefit of Wrike is the transparency it brings. Everyone always has an understanding of what is happening within the entire project, Nykänen says.

With this transparency, it has become clearer to follow the entirety Aste’s work. Wrike’s portfolio level facilitates long-term planning work, as the views created using the system’s data give good insights into the necessary expertise and capacity.

The amount of unnecessary work has decreased

Nykänen likes the fact that with Wrike, the need emails and phone calls has decreased. Work felt fragmented before Wrike, and assignments used to flood his personal Whatsapp application. In Wrike, customer requests come directly to the work queue. The extra search for files has been eliminated, when both the team and the customers communicate with the same tools, in agreed channels.

With the use of Wrike, the operating models of the customers and Aste have developed. More time can be reserved for planning and reviewing tasks, when other processes and work have been streamlined by building workflows to suit the needs of customers. – The introduction of Wrike is a good opportunity for a company to modernize its operating models, Nykänen states.

With Wrike, productivity has improved greatly

According to Nykänen, the overall view in Wrike helps keep projects and actions in line with the company’s larger goals. This promotes predictability, which the customers of Aste have experienced as a great benefit. Awareness of the whole and its costs increases, when the teams’ time and spent resources are clearly visible.

In the future, Nykänen expects that Wrike will continue to develop as a leading tool for digital work management, and that the functions enabling automation will be carried forward systematically on Wrike’s part.

– The reduction of routine procedures is always beneficial. It is interesting to see how the development of Wrike interfaces and the new artificial intelligence functions can help in integrating systems and reducing routine steps!

Does the idea of more straightforward work management processes appeal to you? Smartium offers Wrike as a solution for all marketing management and project management needs. We carry out integrations of other applications, and provide comprehensive support for the entire implementation. You can contact us here.
